Making Safety Top of Mind

June is National Safety Month as designated by The National Safety Council, but staying safe should always be top of mind!

Whether at work or play, your safety should be held in the highest regard, although that’s not always the case. At times, we can become complacent about safety issues, which makes June the perfect month to remind ourselves of its importance. It also becomes a great time to open discussions with family members on ways to improve the safety within our homes, and with employees/colleagues regarding workplace safety.

Just as cleaning up and keeping areas clear of obstacles that could cause trips or falls can have an immediate impact on our overall safety, things as simple as making sure you get enough sleep each night can tremendously decrease your chances of falling asleep at the wheel or becoming injured by machinery.

And while most safety incidents can be avoided by taking the right precautions and being mindful of overall safety protocols, there is always the chance of a true accident, making it even more important for us all to be vigilant and aware of what dangers could rear their ugly faces at any point.

When you or a loved one ever find yourself at the losing end of a failed safety situation, we are ALWAYS here to help you obtain the recovery you deserve and to help get you back to being your super self.

Stay safe out there!


About the Author: 

As a first-generation Italian in the United States, Frank is no stranger to tough times. His father’s family moved to Cleveland from Italy on May 22, 1958, with a few articles of clothing, some personal items and very little money. His family shared a home with three other related families but happily worked long hours doing jobs that involved physical labor, just to put food on the table. There was the promise of hope and opportunity, which was missing before his family moved here.